Start Strong Program - Washington Dairy

Start Strong Program

Increase your ADP with healthy, local options.

Need equipment? Apply for Start Strong grants to support your meal programs, highlight dairy, and continue making healthy, local foods available to students.


Program Application


The staff at Spokane used the grant for blenders to help with district-wide smoothie roll out.

start strong program smoothie poster



This program offers:

•  Tips, best practices, and other resources

•  Kick-off event ideas

•  Popular recipes

•  Marketing and interactive posters



Sequim used the grant to help with their Grab-and-Go Equipment!

start strong program hot chocolate milk poster

Reach out to Bri Cowan to get the Start Strong Grant Kit and find out if the Start Strong Grant is right for you! 





The Nutrition Staff at Evertt had breakfast participation increase by 61%. They used the Beverage Air Milk Cooler to help with storage.

start strong program milk poster












Looking for some great smoothie resources and ideas to use as part of your school’s smoothie program?

All about smoothies

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