Miso Chicken
2 servings | Prep Time: 30 min | Cook Time: 20 min
2 chicken thighs (boneless)
1 c. Darigold sour cream
2 tbsp. miso
1 tbsp. garlic puree
½ c. green beans
- Butter
- Acid
Add sour cream, miso, and garlic puree to a container and save half for plating.
In the container add the chicken and lightly massage.
Let marinate for a minimum of 30 minutes or overnight.
Pat down the sauce clean and cook skin side down at medium-low heat in an oiled pan for 3-4 minutes. The chicken can burn easily, so make sure to check once in the middle and adjust the temperature as needed.
Saute peas with butter, salt, pepper, and acid on medium-high.
Plate sauce, peas, and chicken and enjoy!